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Writer's pictureKelsey Houser

Surviving the Wilderness

*You and I are living in the most intense time in human history. Can you feel it? The pressure seems to be greater every day. But none of it surprises God. God's not freaking out about what's happening to our world right now. As Christine Caine says it: God isn't up in heaven thinking OM ME! I never saw the corona virus coming! Peter! What are we going to do?!

*No. See, we are alive right now for such a time as this. God believes in us – we are the ones He plans to bless and to use. He wants us to walk in the greatest anointing the world has ever seen!

*Every time we are faced with the unexpected, we have the choice to embrace it wholeheartedly or halfheartedly. Wholehearted keeps us moving forward in life, halfhearted keeps us from growing.


After being freed from slavery, the Israelites started on what should have been an 11 day journey to the promised land. But instead of 11 days it took 40 years. The Israelites sent people to go check out the promised land. Of all the people that went, Caleb was the only one that saw the promised land wholeheartedly, rather than only seeing the negatives of it, because he believed that God would fulfill his promise to them. But the majority of the Israelites did not believe God's promise.

So the Israelites wandered in the wilderness for 40 years. Why did God allow that? Because though the Israelites had come out of Egypt, Egypt had not come out of them. God had to prepare them for what he had prepared for them.

A whole generation of Israelites said No when God said Go. Some never even made it to the Promised Land.

Question: Do you consider yourself to be optimist like Caleb or a pessimist? Someone that brings hope and joy or negative thoughts and opinions?


Now let's consider the 40 years of wilderness: *I wonder what your 40 years later is.*

What promise is God preparing you for?

1. If we are truly going to be salt and light on this earth, and make a difference, then we have to be transformed from the inside out. God’s first priority for us is always transformation. He will use any life events to do so.

2. God always prepares us for the place he has prepared for us. Maybe you are being prepared.

3. We can’t control what life sends us but we can control how we respond. We can choose joy and hope in every circumstance.

4. The wilderness changes you for the better, if you let God do work in you. (Not every wilderness is from the devil)

5. Wherever you are on your journey, God still has more assignments for you.

6. The unexpected is never going to stop happening so let’s be disciplined enough in the wilderness to strengthen our hearts and live wholeheartedly no matter what is going on around us.

7. The wilderness has things to teach us. We learn things there that we can’t learn anywhere else.

8. Don’t waste your wilderness! What is God trying to teach you or show you or use you to do through it?

9. Don't settle for the wilderness! God possess the promises of God!

10. Isn’t it wonderful to know that God wastes nothing in our lives?


Question: How does it help to know that He is with you, beside you, in you and for you as you walk through life for His glory?


*The greatest testimony you are to this world, that Jesus Christ is still alive and that he still reigns is the fact that he is reigning through you, flowing through you, that you have been transformed from the inside out and flow.


Lord we end this time by offering our whole heart to you. That we will choose to live wholeheartedly everyday. Thank you for challenges that come our way that we can learn from. Help us to recognize what you have for us in times of wilderness so that we can grow.

Lord even if we cannot see you, we trust you. Even if we can’t hear you. we trust you.

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